Original Video:
*This article is an edited version of the script for this video
Beast Master:
Custom Lineage or Variant Human. Getting the feat early on will be very helpful on a Ranger.
Ability Scores:
1: Dex
2: Wis
3: Con
-Heavy Crossbow
-Hand Crossbow
-Half Plate
1st: Crossbow Expert
4th: Sharpshooter
8th: Resilient: Con
12th: Piercer: +1 Dex
16th: Alert or Lucky
19th: +2 to Dex
Fighting Style: Archery
Subclass: Take the Primal Companion optional feature if you can as it is much better than the old Ranger’s Companion.
1st: Absorb Elements, Goodberry, Entangle
2nd: Aid, Locate Object, Pass Without Trace
3rd: Conjure Animals or Summon Fey, Revivify
4th: Conjure Woodland Beings, Guardian of Nature
5th: Greater Restoration
If you don’t already have a concentration spell up at the beginning of combat you can go ahead and cast one on the first round. Otherwise you’ll just be trying to attack as much as you can with your heavy crossbow and telling your companions who to attack as well. Try to position your companions so they take damage instead of you and your party since you can always summon them again. If your primal companion dies, switch to your hand crossbow so you still have a good bonus action. Also, make sure to use your range to your advantage to keep melee enemies away from you and use cover to hide from ranged enemies.
Custom Lineage or Variant Human. Getting the feat early on will be very helpful on a Ranger.
Ability Scores:
1: Dex
2: Wis
3: Con
-Heavy Crossbow
-Hand Crossbow
-Half Plate
1st: Crossbow Expert
4th: Sharpshooter
8th: Resilient: Con
12th: Piercer: +1 Dex
16th: Alert or Lucky
19th: +2 to Dex
Fighting Style: Archery
1st: Absorb Elements, Goodberry, Entangle
2nd: Aid, Locate Object, Pass Without Trace
3rd: Conjure Animals or Summon Fey, Revivify
4th: Conjure Woodland Beings, Guardian of Nature
5th: Greater Restoration
If you don’t already have a concentration spell up at the beginning of combat you can go ahead and cast one on the first round. Otherwise you’ll just be trying to attack as much as you can with your heavy crossbow and telling your companions who to attack as well. Try to position your companions so they take damage instead of you and your party since you can always summon them again. If your drake companion dies, switch to your hand crossbow so you still have a good bonus action. Also, make sure to use your range to your advantage to keep melee enemies away from you and use cover to hide from ranged enemies.
Fey Wanderer:
Custom Lineage or Variant Human. Getting the feat early on will be very helpful on a Ranger.
Ability Scores:
1: Dex
2: Wis
3: Con
-Hand Crossbow
-Half Plate
1st: Crossbow Expert
4th: Sharpshooter
8th: Resilient: Con
12th: Piercer: +1 Dex
16th: Alert or Lucky
19th: +2 to Dex
Fighting Style: Archery
1st: Absorb Elements, Goodberry, Entangle
2nd: Aid, Locate Object, Pass Without Trace
3rd: Conjure Animals, Revivify
4th: Conjure Woodland Beings, Guardian of Nature
5th: Greater Restoration
If you don’t already have a concentration spell up at the beginning of combat you can go ahead and cast one on the first round. Otherwise you’ll just be trying to attack as much as you can with your crossbow and telling your companions who to attack as well. Try to position your companions so they take damage instead of you and your party since you can always summon them again. Also, make sure to use your range to your advantage to keep melee enemies away from you and use cover to hide from ranged enemies.
Gloom Stalker:
Custom Lineage or Variant Human. Getting the feat early on will be very helpful on a Ranger.
Ability Scores:
1: Dex
2: Wis
3: Con
-Hand Crossbow
-Half Plate
1st: Crossbow Expert
4th: Sharpshooter
8th: Resilient: Con
12th: Piercer: +1 Dex
16th: Alert or Lucky
19th: +2 to Dex
Fighting Style: Archery
1st: Absorb Elements, Goodberry, Entangle
2nd: Aid, Locate Object, Pass Without Trace
3rd: Conjure Animals or Summon Fey, Revivify
4th: Conjure Woodland Beings, Guardian of Nature
5th: Greater Restoration
With Dread Ambusher you’ll almost always want to attack on the first round to get that extra attack. If there’s a spell you want to cast you’ll usually want to wait until the 2nd round but try to have your concentration spells up before combat if you can. But after that you’ll just be trying to attack as much as you can with your crossbow and telling your companions who to attack as well. Try to position your companions so they take damage instead of you and your party since you can always summon them again. Also, make sure to use your range to your advantage to keep melee enemies away from you and use cover to hide from ranged enemies.
Horizon Walker:
Custom Lineage or Variant Human. Getting the feat early on will be very helpful on a Ranger.
Ability Scores:
1: Dex
2: Wis
3: Con
-Hand Crossbow
-Half Plate
1st: Crossbow Expert
4th: Sharpshooter
8th: Resilient: Con
12th: Piercer: +1 Dex
16th: Alert or Lucky
19th: +2 to Dex
Fighting Style: Archery
1st: Absorb Elements, Goodberry, Entangle
2nd: Aid, Locate Object, Pass Without Trace
3rd: Conjure Animals or Summon Fey, Revivify
4th: Conjure Woodland Beings, Guardian of Nature
5th: Greater Restoration
If you don’t already have a concentration spell up at the beginning of combat you can go ahead and cast one on the first round. Otherwise you’ll just be trying to attack as much as you can with your crossbow and telling your companions who to attack as well. Try to position your companions so they take damage instead of you and your party since you can always summon them again. Also, make sure to use your range to your advantage to keep melee enemies away from you and use cover to hide from ranged enemies. Lastly, don’t use planar warrior, just shooting with your crossbow will almost always be a better bonus action.
Custom Lineage or Variant Human. Getting the feat early on will be very helpful on a Ranger.
Ability Scores:
1: Dex
2: Wis
3: Con
-Hand Crossbow
-Half Plate
1st: Crossbow Expert
4th: Sharpshooter
8th: Resilient: Con
12th: Piercer: +1 Dex
16th: Alert or Lucky
19th: +2 to Dex
Fighting Style: Archery
3rd: Colossus Slayer or Horde Breaker
7th: Steel Will or Multiattack Defense
11th: Volley
15th: Evasion
1st: Absorb Elements, Goodberry, Entangle
2nd: Aid, Locate Object, Pass Without Trace
3rd: Conjure Animals or Summon Fey, Revivify
4th: Conjure Woodland Beings, Guardian of Nature
5th: Greater Restoration
If you don’t already have a concentration spell up at the beginning of combat you can go ahead and cast one on the first round. Otherwise you’ll just be trying to attack as much as you can with your crossbow and telling your companions who to attack as well. Try to position your companions so they take damage instead of you and your party since you can always summon them again. Also, make sure to use your range to your advantage to keep melee enemies away from you and use cover to hide from ranged enemies.
Monster Slayer:
Custom Lineage or Variant Human. Getting the feat early on will be very helpful on a Ranger.
Ability Scores:
1: Dex
2: Wis
3: Con
-Hand Crossbow
-Half Plate
1st: Crossbow Expert
4th: Sharpshooter
8th: Resilient: Con
12th: Piercer: +1 Dex
16th: Alert or Lucky
19th: +2 to Dex
Fighting Style: Archery
1st: Absorb Elements, Goodberry, Entangle
2nd: Aid, Locate Object, Pass Without Trace
3rd: Conjure Animals or Summon Fey, Revivify
4th: Conjure Woodland Beings, Guardian of Nature
5th: Greater Restoration
If you don’t already have a concentration spell up at the beginning of combat you can go ahead and cast one on the first round. Otherwise you’ll just be trying to attack as much as you can with your crossbow and telling your companions who to attack as well. Try to position your companions so they take damage instead of you and your party since you can always summon them again. Also, make sure to use your range to your advantage to keep melee enemies away from you and use cover to hide from ranged enemies. Lastly, if you find yourself in a boss fight you can use your Hunter’s Sense ability to tell your party the creatures resistances and vulnerabilities and your Slayer’s Prey ability to increase your damage against the boss. Slayer’s Prey will usually only be worth it in a long fight against one enemy.
Custom Lineage or Variant Human. Getting the feat early on will be very helpful on a Ranger.
Ability Scores:
1: Dex
2: Wis
3: Con
-Hand Crossbow
-Half Plate
1st: Crossbow Expert
4th: Sharpshooter
8th: Resilient: Con
12th: Piercer: +1 Dex
16th: Alert or Lucky
19th: +2 to Dex
Fighting Style: Archery
1st: Absorb Elements, Goodberry, Entangle
2nd: Aid, Pass Without Trace, Spike Growth
3rd: Conjure Animals or Summon Fey, Revivify
4th: Conjure Woodland Beings, Guardian of Nature
5th: Greater Restoration
If you don’t already have a concentration spell up at the beginning of combat you can go ahead and cast one on the first round. Otherwise you’ll just be trying to attack as much as you can with your crossbow and telling your companions who to attack as well. Try to position your companions so they take damage instead of you and your party since you can always summon them again. Also, make sure to use your range to your advantage to keep melee enemies away from you and use cover to hide from ranged enemies. Lastly, you can use your gathered swarm to deal additional damage or move creatures into one of your spells like Web or Spike Growth.
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